
Prince Edward County Horticultural Society’s very existence relies on Member dues, as the income from them funds our various activities and expenses. Our annual dues are $5 per person, and entitle you to attend all our informative monthly meetings as well as our delicious Pot Luck Dinner/AGM in November.

By becoming a member of the Society you join a group of like minded enthusiasts. Members are always ready to share information, experiences and anecdotes relating to all things horticultural.

Some of our members are also Master Gardeners and are ready & willing to answer any questions and give advice.

As an extra bonus, member receive 10% discount at two County garden centres: Walker’s Greenhouse in Milford, and Carson’s Garden & Market just outside Wellington.

If you have any questions, please contact the Membership Director, Sally Clark via our contact form.

Benefits Of Being A Member Of The PEC Horticultural Society

Monthly Meetings with Guest Speakers
Access to our Gardening Library
Website, Facebook and Quarterly Newsletter
Participation in Floral Displays and Competitions
Annual Signature Events – County Blooms & Garden Tour
Spring Plant Sale
Field Trips
Nursery and Greenhouse Garden Discounts
Socializing with Like-Minded People
Light Refreshments at each Meeting

Many of our local garden/landscape-related business people are also members, and are happy to share their knowledge with you.

Become a Member

You can pay in person with cash at our next Monthly Members Meeting, or by using the form below.

Fill out and submit the form below, then send your membership payment via e-transfer to: pecgardens22(at)gmail(dot)com

After completing the form above please send your membership payment via e-transfer to: pecgardens22(at)gmail(dot)com