Society Meeting for March 30

President Sheila Simmons opened the meeting and welcomed the 25 or so members present. She noted that this was our first meeting of 2016; January meetings over the past few years had been plagued with bad weather and low attendance and February 2016 coincided with freezing rain and very treacherous driving and walking conditions so was cancelled doe safety reasons. Welcome back!


Virginia Mitchell

Virginia Mitchell

Virginia Mitchell

More to come.

Maggie Goode
Maggie Goode

Maggie Goode

More to come


Sheila Simmons called for a minute’s silence in remembrance of Norma Crichton.

Lise Bois reminded members of the May 21 plant sale to be held at the Wellington Market. Details of drop-off/collection locations for plant members were donating for sale would be in the upcoming newsletter or by contacting Lise directly.

On April 17, from 2-4, an event for new members is planned to get and give information and share ideas about the Society. Details to be announced in the newsletter.


The mini-show overall theme was “St. Patrick’s Day”. The design class – a green design using wood, bark and moss – was won by Patricia Stuckey, with Sheila Simmons 2nd, and Ria Vandenberg taking 3rd.

The horticulture class – one forced branch – was won by Sandra Dowds, with Patricia Stuckey 2nd, and Angela Palmer taking 3rd.

Design Class - Winner

Design Class – Winner

Horticulture Class - Winner

Horticulture Class – Winner

Design Class - Second

Design Class – Second

Horticulture Class - Second

Horticulture Class – Second

Design - Third place

Design Class – Third

Horticultural Class - Third

Horticultural Class – Third

Click images to see larger versions.

Photographs © by Bert Jenkins

Norma Crichton

Sad news about a Horticultural Society member and booster who recently moved to Brooklin.

Norma Crichton

Norma Crichton

Passed away quietly at home on March 8, 2016 in her 83rd year. Predeceased by her parents Ed and Gladys. Much loved, she leaves behind David, her husband of 63 years and her children and their families: Dave and Violet; Kim and Mark, David, Nicholas and Julia; James and Dasza, Natasha and Monique.

A friend to many, Norma was a volunteer extraordinaire and lover of life, children, animals and gardening. An entrepreneur, lifelong learner and advocate for social justice, she will be sadly missed and always remembered.

Society Meeting for November 25


Approximately 50 members enjoyed the traditional Pot Luck dinner. As usual, members showed amazing culinary skills.

Since Colleen Green’s term of President has expired, the meeting was run by Gayla Campney in her place.


A motion to adopt the minutes of the previous AGM was moved by Bob Simmons, seconded by Marianne Malachowski. The motion carried.

A motion to adopt the Financial Report was moved by Howard Hunter and duly seconded. The motion carried.

A motion to appoint the same auditors for 2016 was moved by Bob Simmons and duly seconded. The motion carried.

A motion to adopt amended By-laws (members having been previously notified) as posted on the web site was moved, seconded, and carried.


Penny Stewart took over for the formal election of directors. A new slate of directors was offered to the membership. No new nominations were received from the floor. The 2016 Directors are (left to right) Nan Keenan, John Garside, Anne Reeves, Darlene Johnston, Mary Jenkins, Howard Hunter, Gayla Campney and Sheila Simmons. Colleen Green will sit with the directors as Past President.


Following the elections, Penny Stewart gave a brief overview of OHA changes coming in the new year, including the re-branding of the OHA as Gardens Ontario. Penny thanked the Horticultural Society’s directors, members, and supporters for their efforts and closed with a ‘keep up the good work’.


Mary Jenkins then presented the traditional Horticultural Society awards.

Sandra Dowds - winner of the

Sandra Dowds – winner of the Floral Excellence trophy and the Peony Cup for best peony

Pat Stuckey - winner of

Pat Stuckey – winner for Best Design and most points in the 2015 mini-shows


Junior winners: Kayla Hepburn and Maggie Lindsay

Colleen thanked Mary for handing out the trophies and award plaques. This year, the OHA has a “President’s Award” which goes to the people who most helped the President. The winners were Hedy Campbell, Anne Reeves (both shown below), and Elizabeth Cowan who was not able to attend the Awards Ceremony.

President's awards for Hedy Campbell [L] and Anne Reeves [R]

President’s awards for Hedy Campbell [L] and Anne Reeves [R]

Photographs © by Bert Jenkins